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2010 - present

2010 - present

-"Excellent presentation"


-"Absolutely wonderful & touching..."


-"Thank you for sharing your journey"


-"Eye opening, heart-breaking, well done"


-"Excelente narrativa de la vida de los imigrantes, felicidades"


-"...I am intrigued by this issue. You put a human face on immigration for me"




-"Grasias por ser una inspiracion a nuestra comunidad"


-"Makes you more relatable in that you're human like everyone else"


-"Great documentary overall"


-"The film was beautiful, really depicting what families in the united states go through. The film shwoed a lot of courage, strength and hope"


-"Very empowering and eye opening film"


-"What a groundbreaking documentary! Makes me proud to be what I am. I feel a call to action. Thank you for this experience!"


-"It showed me more and beyond the stereotype. i want to do more to help out and spread the word"


-"The footage was well chosen and moving"


-"The most inspiring and relatable thing I've seen in this 'free' country for years. Great job"


-"This film represented a snap shot of my community and their various struggles with immigration: Tania and her family and all of us"




Q: Why did you choose a verite style for this documentary?

A: To present Tania's story as unfiltered as possible, maintaining the quality of an unbiased perspective.  Our purpose was to create a film in which the audience could experience the struggles of the characters as opposed to having them being explained to them


P: Por que escogieron el estilo verite para este documental?

R: Para presentar la historia de Tania sin filtrar, manteniendo la calidad de una pespectiva imparcial.  Nuestro proposito fue de crear una pelicula en la cual los espectadores pudieran vivir con los personajes sus luchas, en lugar de que se les sean explicadas




Q: What happened to Imelda's case?

A: It is yet to be decided, her last hearing is set for October, 2018 


P: Que paso con el caso de Imelda?

R: Aun no se decide, su ultima audiencia tendra lugar en Octubre del 2018




Q: What happened to the Driver's Licenses For All Initiative?

A: Thanks to this community effort, Colorado's undocumented tax-paying residents can now obtain a Colorado Driver's Licenses


P: Que paso con la Iniciativa de Licensias Para Todos?

R: Grasias a este esfuerzo comunitario, los residenets que pagan impuestos de Colorado ya pueden obtener licensias de conducir




Q: Why isn't anything said about Tania's background?

A: Althogh Tania's background is really extensive and impresive, Tania feels not only the highly accomplished individuals should get a chance to fix status. Thus, we opted out from using texts or voice overs to support the belief that human rights should be upheld for all individuals regardless of their accomplishments


P: Por que no se dice nada sobre la historia de Tania?

R: Apesar de que los logros de Tania son extensivos e impresionantes, Tania siente que no solo a los individuos con grandes logros se les deberia de dar la oportunidad de arreglar su estatus.  Por tanto, optamos por no usar textos o sobre-voces para apoyar la creencia de que los derechos humanos deben de ser respetados para todo individuo, sin importar sus logros




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